4.10 History

The History section helps you to view details of past delinquencies of an account. It displays details of all the past cases linked to the account that are in closed status. You can view history of segments and strategies of the past cases related to an account. You can view history details of tasks, promises, call actions, and correspondence related to an account.

Table 4-21 History

Field Name Description
Customer ID, <Customer Name> Displays the customer ID and name of the customer.
Account Number Indicates the product sub type and account number. The list displays all account numbers associated with the case. By default, the account number selected in Account widget is displayed. The history details are displayed for the selected account.
Case Indicates the case number along with start and end date of the case.
Cases This section displays the segments associated with the account in time-line view, indicating the start and end date.
Task History This section displays the history of various task types created on the account for the selected case. It displays the count of various task types created on the account. For example, calls, letters, and emails.
Promise History This section displays the history of promises created on the account for the case selected.
Total Promises Displays the count of total promises created on the account.
Total Broken Displays the count of promises broken by the customer.
Total Kept Displays the count of promises fulfilled by the customer.
Amount Collected Displays the total amount collected against the promises.
Call Action History This section displays the history of actions and results captured on the account for the case selected.
Total Contacts Displays the total count of action and results captured on the account.
Right Party Contacts Displays the count of action results combination that are categorized as right party contacts.
Inbound Displays the count of inbound calls.
Others Displays the count of other contacts.
Outbound Displays the count of outbound calls.
Communication History This section displays the history of communications with the customer for the case selected.
Letters Sent Displays the count of letters sent to the customer.
Email Sent Displays the count of emails sent to the customer.
SMS Sent Displays the count of SMS sent to the customer.