
This topic contains following sub-topics:


This guide would help you to install the ‘Oracle Banking Corporate Lending Process Management’ OBCLPM services on designated environment. It is assumed that all the prior setup is already done related with WebLogic installation, WebLogic managed server creation and Oracle DB installation. It is recommended to use dedicated managed server for the OBCLPM services.


This document is intended for admin or ops-web team who are responsible for installing the Oracle Financial Services Software Limited banking products.

Acronyms and Abbreviations

The list of the acronyms and abbreviations used in this guide are as follows:

Table -1 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description
CMC Common Core
EOD End of Day
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
OBRH Oracle Banking Routing Hub
SMS Security Management System

List Of Topics

This manual is organized into the following topics.

Table -2 List of Topics

Topics Description and Cross References
Database Setup This topic helps you to set up database related configuration for OBCLPM Installation.
Domain and Cluster Configuration This topic helps you to set up domain and cluster configuration.
Data Sources Creation This topic helps you to create data sources.
Deployments This topic helps you to setup database and data sources creation that needs to be performed prior to the application deployment stage.
Restarts and Refresh This topic helps you to restart all the managed servers.
Logging Area This topic discusses about the log area where after deployment of Common Core Applications in WebLogic server.
Integration Routing using OBRH This topic discusses about integration routing using OBRH.