
This topic contains following sub-topics:


This manual is designed to help acquaint you with the Tasks module of the Oracle Banking Corporate Lending Process Management (OBCLPM). It provides an overview of the module and guides you, through the various steps involved in viewing the Oracle Banking Corporate Lending Process Management services for the customers of your bank.


This document is intended for the following audience:

  • Customer Service Representatives (CSRs)
  • Staff in charge of setting up new products in a bank

Acronyms and Abbreviations

You may find the following acronyms/abbreviations in this manual.

Table -1 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms Abbreviations
DSL Domain Specific Language
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
OBCLPM Oracle Banking Corporate Lending Process Management

List of Topics

Topics Description
Tasks Menu This topic provides the information about Task menu. Based on the user role, the sub menus can be accessed by the user
Business Process Maintenance This topic provides the information about Business Process Maintenance menu allows you to create Workflows

Related Documents

For more information on any related features, you can refer to the following documents:

  • Oracle Banking Corporate Lending Process Management Bilateral Loans User Guide
  • Oracle Banking Corporate Lending Process Management Loan Syndication User Guide
  • Oracle Banking Corporate Lending Process Management Configuration User Guide