Additional Loan details

Additional Loan Details can be added for the application in the Enrichment Stage.

Figure 1-55 Additional Loan Details Screen

Description of Figure 1-55 follows
Description of "Figure 1-55 Additional Loan Details Screen"

For information on the screen fields, refer to the field description table below.

Table 1-40 Additional Loan Details - Field Description

Field Description
Business Product The product for which the loan is created
Loan Branch The Bank branch in which we are proceeding to create a Loan for the party
Product Code The code of the product which we are lending
Product Description Description of the product which we are lending
Expense Code The expense code is the account of bank to which it gets mapped
Expense Code Description The description of the Expense code
Purpose Of Loan The purpose for which the loan is being disbursed
Grace Days The Borrower customer allowed to delay payment for a short period of time beyond the due date