Rollover Preferences

Rollover Preferences can be added for the application in the Rollover Enrichment Stage.

Figure 1-54 Rollover Preferences Screen

Description of Figure 1-54 follows
Description of "Figure 1-54 Rollover Preferences Screen"

For information on the screen fields, refer to the field description table below.

Table 1-39 Rollover Preferences - Field Description

Field Description
Rollover Mode For a loan involving a product with rollover facility, you should specify the mode of rollover, automatic, semi-auto, or manual during processing. The mode of rollover also depends on whether the mode of liquidation of the loan is automatic or manual
Rollover Mechanism You can indicate whether rolling over a loan contract using the product must create a new version of the original contract, a spawn contract, or a linked contract
Schedule Definition Select the option Product if you want the schedule definition of the rolled over contract to be the default schedule maintained for the product. Select the option Contract if you want the schedule definition of the rolled over contract to be the one currently applicable for the contract
Rate definition Select the option Product if you want the rate definition of the rolled over contract to be the default rate maintained for the product. Select the option Contract if you want the rate definition of the rolled over contract to be the one currently applicable for the contract