1.5 Participant Process

Use Participant Process which handles Syndication Facility Origination process for Bank as Participant.

Participant Process handles Syndication Facility Origination process for Bank as Participant. This includes Syndication Invitation from the Arranger, Due diligence of the Borrower, KYC, Risk review, Participation decision and Transaction document execution. Upon completion of the Origination process, the application hands over the details to Operations Enrichment Process for the Operation user to enrich and handover to OBCL.

The process flow for Participant process undergoes goes the below stages:
  1. Entry

    You can capture the borrower information and related party details manually. Borrower and borrower related parties details should be send to the Borrower on-boarding team to start the Borrower evaluation process.

  2. Review Pre Analysis

    You can review the borrower information and related party details. After review of the borrower details, you can decide to proceed with the Participation or to terminate the process. To proceed with the participation, you can confirm the interest to the Arranger along with the signed NDA.

  3. Review Additional Details

    You have to wait for the additional details about the facility including Terms Sheet. After review of the details received, you can propose the intended participation amount for approval.

  4. Approval

    The intended participation amount is reviewed for approval. If no amendments required, then the data is send for credit approval. If any amendments required, then send back to Review Additional Details. You can initiate credit request with CFPM.

  5. Review Credit Approval

    The credit response is reviewed and you can decide to proceed with the Participation or to terminate the process. To participate, you can send confirmation to the arranger.

  6. Commitment Allocation

    You can wait for the allocation confirmation from the arranger. If the allocation is not done, then the application is cancelled or you can proceed to receive the draft transaction documents from the agent. If you accept the allocation, then the agent is informed.

  7. Transaction Docs Review

    The transaction docs are reviewed and send to the internal legal team for their review.

  8. Docs Review by Legal

    The documents is reviewed by the internal legal. Legal provides the comments to the Business user for their review.

  9. Review Legal Comments

    The legal comments are reviewed and communicated to the Agent. If no amendments required, then move to KYC and Internal Approvals. If any amendments required, then it is communicated to the agent and wait for the amended documents.

  10. KYC and Internal Approvals

    KYC of all parties are checked to be complete. In addition, all the internal departmental approvals are checked to be in place. If KYC completion and internal department’s approvals are pending, then you have to wait until these are completed. Completion of KYC and internal departmental approvals are outside OBCLPM. If the KYC of all parties and all the internal departmental approvals are in place, then proceed for document execution.

  11. Track Executed Docs

    The executed docs is tracked. If the participant bank is managing the Agency role, then the data is handed off to OBCL. If the participant bank is not an agent, then the data is handed off to the operations team for creation of Facility and Tranche. Post data hand off if the Condition Precedent is not satisfied, then it is moved to Review Condition Precedent Satisfaction.

  12. Review Condition Precedent Satisfaction

    You have to wait for the Condition Precedent to be satisfied. After satisfaction, you have to approve it and then with this participant process will end.