1.4.1 Post Mandate Arranger

The basic registration details for Post Mandate Arranger for a prospective borrower can be initiated using this Initiation screen, provided you have the required access rights.

To initiate Post Mandate Arranger

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. On the Homepage, from Corporate Lending, under Operations, click Syndication.
  2. On the Syndication, click Post Mandate Arranger .
    The Post Mandate Arranger screen is displayed.
    Post Mandate Arranger

  3. In the Post Mandate Arranger screen, provide the required details.

    Table 1-4 Post Mandate Arranger

    Field Description
    Business Product Click Search to view and select the required business product.
    Post Mandate Ref No. Enter the reference number. (Only if the Syndication Origination is managed by OBCLPM).
    Application Date Select an effective application date from the drop-down calendar. The system defaults the current system date as the application initiation date.
    Priority Click High/Medium/Low button as per the priority.
  4. Click Initiate to begin the process.

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