1.18.4 Sight Funding by Machine Learning

This process helps you to resolve the Payment advices received and match the same during the Syndication payment Process. On uploading the Payment Advises, the machine learning job automatically analyses the document, extract its contents park the item in the resolved queue. While the user process a Syndication Payment, during the sight fund stage, these resolved funds are available for matching.

Initiating Machine Learning Process for Sight Fund

How to reach here: Machine Learning >Document Upload

Machine Learning Process for Sight Fund can be initiated by giving the basic registration details in the Initiation screen, provided you have the required access rights.

Description of myplsuccess.png follows
Description of the illustration myplsuccess.png

You need to go to the above specified menu option and select the file to upload. Once the Payment Advise is selected, the system reads the document and displays the content of the document. Select the appropriate Document Type from the drop-down and click Upload to initiate the task.

Upon submitting the document ML process parses the document and resolve the document and resolved task is available in My Task. This task gets closed once the corresponding fund is matched in the applicable Payment Process. In case if the ML process is unable to resolve the Payment advice, then the task will be available in Free Task in manual correction stage. You can acquire the task and manually fill in the required details to complete the process. The task moves to My Task upon providing the right information.