1.10 Syndication Drawdown Amendment

Syndication Drawdown Amendment Process helps you to modify the existing draw down contract. You can increase the Principal amount, change loan maturity date or change the interest margin of the existing Agency or Participant draw down contract.

The basic registration details for Drawdown Amendment Process can be initiated using this Initiation screen, provided you have the required access rights.

To initiate Syndication Drawdown Amendment Process

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. On the Homepage, from Corporate Lending, under Operations, click Syndication.
  2. On the Syndication, click Drawdown Amendment .
    The Drawdown Amendment screen is displayed.

  3. In the Drawdown Amendment screen, provide the required details.

    Table 1-10 Drawdown Amendment

    Field Description
    Customer Number Select the Borrower for which the Loan amendment to be made.
    Business Product Click Search to view and select the required business product.
    Application Date Select an effective application date from the drop-down calendar. The system defaults the current system date as the application initiation date.
    Effective Date Select an effective date from the drop-down calendar.
    Priority Click High/Medium/Low button as per the priority.
    Facility Details Select the applicable Facility listed upon selecting the Borrower
    Tranche Details Select the respective Tranche under the Facility
    Drawdown Details Select the Drawdown contract to which the amendment to be done from the list of drawdowns under the selected Tranche
  4. Click Initiate to begin the process.

    The process flow for Syndication Drawdown Amendment Process undergoes the below stages:

    1. Amendment Application Entry

      You can make the input at the entry stage. You can view the details about the existing Drawdown and will be able to amend the respective data segments to amend the Principal amount, Maturity date or Interest margin. Below Data Segments are used in this stage.


      Existing Parties details are defaulted and you cannot edit any details

      Loan Details

      You can view the existing Drawdown details and you cannot edit any details.

      Additional Loan Details

      You can view the existing details and you cannot edit any details.

      Restructuring Amendment Details

      You can make changes to Principal amount or maturity date in this data segment.

      Interest margin Details

      You can make changes to the existing Interest rate in this data segment.

    2. Amendment Application Approval

    You can review and approve all the details captured in the previous stage. If any corrections to be done in the data captured in Entry stage, you can send back the application to the Entry stage for correction. Upon approving the application, OBCLPM hands over all the information to OBCL. With this hand off OBCLPM should able to amend the existing draw down in OBCL with the details captured in the Entry stage.

    Below data segments are used in this stage as read-only and you can review all the details in the data segment and cannot edit any details.
    • Parties
    • Loan Details
    • Additional Loan Details
    • Restructuring Amendment Details
    • Interest margin Details