2.2.7 Accounting System Maintenance

This is to enable OBPM to post the accounting entries ( Dr ISBGL & Cr Nostro Ac) to the DDA system, on sending the SWIFT message.

To capture details of accounting system

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. On the homepage, type PMDACCMT and click next arrow.
    The External Accounting System Detailed screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 2-13 External Accounting System Detailed


    Ensure that you need to maintain the required accounting system in External Accounting System Detailed screen. In addition, maintain Account System Mapping for the Accounting System and Networks (PMDACMAP).
  2. You can enter below details in this tab. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-10 Accounting System Maintenance

    Field Description
    Inqueue JNDI Name Specify the inqueue JNDI name as MDB_QUEUE_RESPONSE.
    Outqueue JNDI Name Specify the outqueue JNDI name as MDB_QUEUE.
    Q Profile Q Profile need to be maintained as per the MDB Queue created on the App Server. Q Profile needs to be with an IP Address where the JMS Queue has been created.

    The OBPM system posts the Accounting handoff request through these MDB queues.


    OBPM build the Accounting Handoff request with details and post to MDB_QUEUE. Accounting system through GWMDB pulls the gateway request and call internally the External Accounting request. Once the process is completed, the Accounting system posts the response through gateway infra to MDB_QUEUE_RESPONSE.
    MDB_QUEUE_RESPONSE is configured with a redelivery Queue as jms/ ACC_ENTRY_RES_BKP_IN. This Queue internally pull the response through OBPM MDB to complete Accounting Handoff processing in OBPM.