1.2.3 Indicating Rule Application conditions

By default, a charge rule that you define can be applied on transactions in:
  • All currencies
  • All customers
However, to restrict the application of a rule to transactions involving a specific customer or currency, you can specify the same in the Customer or Transaction Currency fields, respectively.
Conditions for the application of a charge rule can be defined in the following manner.
  • The rule can be applied to any contract, irrespective of the currency of the contract and the customer involved.
  • The rule can be applied on contracts in a particular currency, irrespective of the customer involved.
  • The rule can be applied on contracts in a particular currency, involving a particular customer
Thus, the most generally applied condition can be that a charge rule is applicable to contracts in any currency and involving any customer. An interim condition is that a charge rule is applied on contracts in a specific currency but involving any customer.



You like to levy a special flat charge, in EUR, for maintaining customer portfolios in DEM - EUR being the more convenient currency. Further, you like to exempt corporates and Financial institutions and levy the charge only on individual portfolios.

Set up:
  1. To the rule defined for calculating the special charge, enter a unique Rule ID in Rule Master Definition screen, SplChPort1 and the same is defaulted to the ICCF Rule Maintenance screen. Briefly describe the charge for easy identification: EUR charge: individual portfolios.
  2. Select the Flat Amount option in the Rate Type field from ICCF Rule Maintenance screen.
  3. Choose EUR in the Currency field. Choose Individuals in the Customer field. Enter the other details such as the Charge Currency and the tiers or slabs on which you like to levy the charge.
  4. Save this record. Another user with the requisite rights should authorize this record before it can be used.


You are not allowed to define an ICCF Rule for a specific combination unless you maintain a record for the same Rule at the generic level. For instance, while creating the Rule ID called SplChPort1 for the very first time the system defaults the values in the Transaction Currency, Branch, Account Category, Customer, Customer Group, and Account fields to All. Only after saving this record you are allowed to create a second record for a specific combination for the same Rule ID.