11.4 Capturing Consolidation Re-Price Instructions

You can consolidate one or more re-priced child contracts with a parent contract. The same can be done through the Re-Price Transaction (Consolidation Details) screen.
Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the homepage, type LBDREPRC and click next arrow.
    The Re-Price Transaction - Consolidation Details screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 11-8 Re-Price Transaction - Consolidation Details


    You cannot capture split/merge reprice instructions for the same contract if any reprice is pending for the process.
  2. The current system date is displayed as the Book Date (you are not allowed to change this date) and Value Date for consolidated re-pricing. In addition, you have to specify the following details.
    • Contract Ref No
      Select the reference number of the parent contract into which the selected child contracts (in the Child Re-Price Transaction section of the screen) are to be consolidated. When you enter the reference number, the following details of the selected parent contract is also displayed.
      • User Reference Number
      • Product and Description
      • Counterparty
      • Currency
      • Outstanding principal
      The Merge Serial No. gives you the number of merge transactions carried out on the parent contract.
    • Value Date
      By default, the system displays the current date as the merger value date. You can change this date provided the new date is less than the maturity date or greater than or equal to the value date of the parent contract. The system allows current dated, forward dated or back dated merger re-pricing. However, back dated merge re-pricing cannot be beyond the:
      • Latest PRAM
      • Last payment date
      • Last value dated amendment date
      • Re-price value date


    Back dated merge reprice cannot be performed on Principal payment schedule date.

    This topic contains the following sub-topics: