2.17.2 Generating Messages for Named Agents

During automatic or free format advice generation for tranche and drawdown, system picks up the correct advice formats for private label contracts. Private label templates are used for Sub-agented contracts while generating the advices.

Generating Automatic Advices

While generating participant/borrower advices, system derives the appropriate advice format as detailed below:
  • System validates if the tranche belongs to agented or Sub-agented.
  • If the named agent at tranche level is not blank, then the tranche is considered as sub-agented, else the tranche is considered as agented.
  • If a tranche is sub-agented, then system derives the advice name associated with the tranche or drawdown product.
  • System searches for an appropriate format maintained for the combination of advice name and the named agent associated with the tranche/drawdown, in customer address maintenance.
  • If a matching message type is found, then system gets the appropriate format in format file maintenance and message generation is done accordingly.
  • If system fails to find the message type in customer address maintenance, then message generation fails with message status as Repair, and with the exception Message format not found.
  • If system fails to find the format in format file maintenance, then the message generation fails with message status as Repair with the exception Message format not found.
  • There should be only one advice format maintained for the combination of message type and named agent. System does not perform any validation for this.
  • If you maintain more than one advice format for the combination of message type and named agent, system picks up the first format maintained and generate the advice.
  • If the tranche is agented then advice is automatically generated. However, the Named agent must be blank for agented contracts in the tranche online as well as in format file maintenance screens.

Generating Free Format Messages

While generating free format messages for participant or borrower under LB/OL Free format Messages:
  • If the borrower or participant is associated with a sub agent tranche, then system lists out the templates maintained for the named agent associated with the tranche.
  • If the borrower or participant is associated with the agented tranche, then system lists out all the templates that are maintained with the named agent UDF value as blank.

Processing FpML Messages

The branch MEI code is replaced with the named agent MEI code for the outgoing FpML messages generated for private label branch or Named Agents.

Branch description is replaced with the named agent name in the PartyName tag for agents in the outgoing FpML messages generated for private label branch.