11.1 Introduction

Oracle Banking Corporate Lending allows you to re-price fixed rate contracts to floating rate contracts and vice-versa. Re-pricing is very similar to the rollover operation. The difference being that you can initiate a rollover only on the maturity date whereas you can perform repricing on any date between the value date and maturity date of the contract (value date inclusive). The following two options are available for re-pricing:
  • Split re-pricing – In this case, you re-price the parent contract into new child contracts.
  • Merger Re-pricing – In this case, you re-price one or more child contracts into a single parent contract.
You have to adhere to the following rules for both types of re-pricing:
  • Use Re-Price Suspense GL (selected in the Branch Parameters – Preferences screen) for settlement of re-price transactions.
  • Re-price only the principal of the contract and not interest.
  • Use different products for parent and child contracts during re-pricing but all products have to be under the same tranche.