LB Processing Changes

  1. During LB - OL STP processing, the system validates if there is a default LB - OL product and component maintenance available for the corresponding OL product. In addition, system validates if the new field LMA Participation or LSTA Participation is selected in the corresponding external participant for which STP is processed.
  2. The LB - OL STP processing logic is enhanced to process the STP for a self-participant in a tranche / drawdown contract even if there is STP failure for other self-participants under the same tranche / drawdown contract.
  3. While processing the STP, the system picks the expense code and branch code from the linked trade contract.

    In case of new tranche booking, if the tranche contract is not linked to a trade contract but the new field LMA Participation / LSTA Participation is selected for the participant, the system marks the Processing Status as Enrich in the STP interface browser. You can select the OL product, expense code and branch to proceed with STP in the STP interface browser. The system does not validate the branch entered by the user and the same needs to be operationally controlled.


    Any tranche booking with the LMA Participation / LSTA Participation selected is marked as Enriched if there is no linked trade contract.
  4. While processing the STP, if product code is not present, then the Processing Status is marked as Extraction in the STP interface browser.

    Value dated amendment process is enhanced to propagate the LMA Participation or LSTA Participation field from the Non Prorata Participation Ratio Details sub-screen to the LB Participant screen for the sub participated external participant after the authorization of the value dated amendment.

    Participant transfer process is enhanced to propagate the LMA Participation or LSTA Participation field to the LB participant screen for the sub participated external participant after the authorization of the participant transfer.