4.9 Processing a Borrower Tranche Contract

You can process a tranche contract in the LB Tranche Contract Online (LBDTRONL) screen.

Figure 4-42 LB Tranche Contract Online

LB Tranche Contract Online

Similar to capturing a facility contract, you can capture a tranche contract either by:
  • Copying the details from an existing contract.
  • Associating a product.

The CUSIP and SSI Counterparty (Settlement Party) are unique across tranche contracts under the same CUSIP. The system validates the SSI Counterparty and CUSIP while saving the tranche contract and displays the following error message In case of duplicate tranche booking.

Tranche with the same SSI Counterparty and CUSIP Number already exists.

For more details, refer the heading Entering the facility details in this chapter.

Note that you can add a CUSIP to an existing tranche. Similarly, you can associate an existing CUSIP with a new tranche.

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