10.13 Processing Agency Reprice Detail

Oracle Banking Corporate Lending processes the LB reprice details in Loans module through STP process. The system handles both the split and Merge events for STP.


  • In case of Split instruction at Agency contract, the system fires the payment at parent Loan contract and Book the New Loan contract.
  • The system hands off the SPTI event in the parent drawdown contract as LIQD event on the parent OL contract. The New drawdown contracts created as part of split reprice are handed off as new loan contract.
  • The actual split reprice amount is passed to parent OL contract during the SPTI handoff. DLNK event is triggered in the reporting commitment of the parent OL contract to the extent of the reprice amount in case of Non Revolving commitments to ensure that Split amounts are not considered for additional utilization.
  • In case of Merge instruction at Agency contract, the system fires the liquidation at Child contracts and fires VAMB/VAMI on parent OL contract.
  • The MRLQ events in the child drawdowns being merged are handed off as LIQD event in the child Loan contracts. The MRGI event in the parent drawdown is handed of as VAMB/VAMI on the parent Loan contract.
  • The merge reprice amounts for each of the child contracts are tagged while handing off the MRLQ event to the Originations. DLNK event is triggered in the reporting commitment of the child Loan contracts to the extent of the reprice amount in case of Non Revolving commitments to ensure that amounts being merged are not considered for additional utilization.
  • The STP interface program hands off the reprice events (Split and Merge reprice events).
  • The STP handoff table population program populates the Liquidation upload summary table, contract booking upload table and Amendment upload table in case split and merge instruction.
  • The handoff of the reprice events happens from Agency to originations on their initiation process in Agency

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