10.13.1 STP support for Amortization contracts

STP is supported only for Amortization contracts having Principal and Main Interest component amount as part of Amortization constant along with servicer fee.

However, for products with Escrow components as additional amortization constant components, in LB-OL Product and component mapping, Agency Amortization type of Product should be mapped to OL Normal Bearing type of Product. This needs to be done as Escrow components are not propagated to participants in agency and hence not be handed off to Origination.

Mapping is done for below components:
  • Main Interest component – This supports the STP of the agency contract that has both pre- Amortization Interest schedule and Amortization schedule.

    LB-OL STP Product and Component mapping maintenance should be done for the same kind of LB and OL Amort products matching the attributes like Allow userinput installment, Allow re-amortization.