Reversing a Fee Component

You can reverse a fee component through the Fee Reverse screen. To do a reversal, select the contract for which you want to reverse a fee component in the Fee Amendment Reversal (LFDFCAUT) screen.

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to Fee Amendment Reversal screen.

  1. From the Fee Amendment Reversal screen, click Reverse.
    The Fee Amendment Reverse screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 7-13 Fee Amendment Reverse

  2. The following details are displayed in the Component Details section of the screen:
    • Names of all the components associated with the contract
    • Association Date
    • Start Date and End Date of the component
    Select the component you want to reverse and check the Reverse option. Then, click the Ok button. Oracle Banking Corporate Lending reverses all the liquidation entries posted for the component.


    You cannot reverse an Active component. A component moves to the Liquidated status only after all the schedules of the component are liquidated.