4.5.13 Saving the Facility

After capturing the required details, you have to save the contract and have it authorized by your supervisor.

For more details on Save and Authorization, refer the Common Procedures User Manual.

After the facility is saved and authorized, the following details will be displayed in the audit trail section at the bottom of the screen:
  • Entry By: Login ID of the person who has performed the save operation.
  • Entry Time: The date and time when the facility was saved in the system.
  • Auth By: Login ID of the person who authorized the facility.
  • Auth Time: The date and time when the facility was authorized in the system.
  • Contract Status: Active
  • Auth Status: Authorized
  • Participant Processing Status: Processed
After you save the contract, you can view the following details of the contract:
  • Diary Events for the contract
  • Participant Summary details
  • Events