11.2.4 Specifying BA Details

In the BA Details section of this screen, you can perform the following:

  • You can select only BA drawdown products for the child contracts in this screen.
  • Ensure Bankers Acceptance check box is selected for the BA drawdown product at the product level.
  • As part of reprice, the BA details entered in the parent contract are defaulted to child contract.
  • Reprice Decrease
    • In case of reprice decrease, ensure to select Liquidate Principal check box and perform reprice decrease.
    • Before the parent contract is liquidated, principal must be liquidated from the parent contract to the extent of decrease for BA drawdowns and the associated loans.
    • This is posted as part of SPTI event in borrower and participant contracts.
  • Reprice Increase
    • In case of reprice increase, the increased amount is disbursed to the borrower from the borrower contract. There is no netting of the increased loan amount disbursed to the borrower with that of the stamping fee and discount amount.
    • Before the parent contract is liquidated, principal must be liquidated from the parent contract to the extent of increase for BA drawdowns and the associated loans.
    • This is posted as part of VAMI event in borrower and participant contracts.

You can specify the following in Split Reprice Transaction - Split Details screen. For information fields, refer to the field description table.

Table 11-4 BA Details

Fields Description
Broker BA Product You can select the BA drawdown product for the list of values.
Interest Day Basis The interest day basis gets defaulted from the Interest Basis field of the Product Components section.
Net Borrowing Amount The net borrowing amount gets defaulted from the Amount field of Child Re-Price Transaction (Split) section.
Stamping Fee Rate The stamping fee rate gets defaulted from the Rate field of the Product Components section.
Stamping Fee Amount The stamping fee amount gets automatically calculated on save of the BA drawdown contract.
Discount Rate Specify the discount rate.
Discount Amount The discount amount gets automatically calculated on save of the BA drawdown contract.
Treasury MIS Rate Specify the treasury MIS rate.
Agent Rate Specify the agent rate.