Specifying Back Valued Fee Schedules

You can specify a back valued start date for an existing Fee component, as part of Fee Amendment or Contract Amendment functionality. You can also define a new back valued Fee component, until the last liquidated schedule date of the same FEE component or beyond the last liquidated schedule date of other Fee components.


  • If you change the start date of a Fee component which has liquidated schedules, system tracks the delta amount through Payable / Receivable infrastructure.
  • If you change the start date of a Fee component for a Lender of Actuals type of Distribution and if there are any liquidated Fee schedules, then Payable / Receivable of the respective liquidated fee schedule gets updated due to fee basis changes.
  • Fee component start date amendment for Lender of Record type of distribution, is not allowed if there are any liquidated schedules for the same component.
  • You can define multiple Adhoc Fee components under the same contract.
  • You can not specify two Fee schedules for the same component on the same value date.