Specifying Liquidation Preferences

  • Liquidation Mode
    Select the liquidation mode for the fee components under this fee class. You have the following options:
    • Auto Liquidation - Select this option to indicate the fee is to be liquidated automatically.
    • Deferred Auto Liquidation - Select this option to indicate the fee is to be liquidated automatically, but the automatic liquidation is to be deferred. You can specify the number of days after the Schedule Date that the fee is to be liquidated in the field No. of Days in this screen.
    • Manual Liquidation - Select this option to indicate the fee is to be liquidated manually.
    • Semi-Auto – Select this option to indicate the fee is to be liquidated semi-automatically. If you select this option, forward processing is applicable to this fee. The fee liquidation event is processed, but the message is held in the Forward Processing Queue. Forward Processing has been explained in the chapter Reference Information for Loan Syndication. Refer to the same for more information.
  • No of Days

    If you have selected the option Deferred Auto Liquidation, you have to specify the number of days by which the liquidation is to be deferred, in this field.