Specifying Message Details

You have to specify the following in the Message Details section of the screen:

  • Contract Ref No

    Select the reference number of the loan syndication contract (facility/tranche/borrower) in respect of which you want to generate free format messages. Upon selection of the contract, system displays the counterparty code and name of the customer involved in the contract. The system also displays the names of participants involved in the contract.

  • Hold

    You have the option to place the free format message on hold. To do this, select this option.

    If you have indicated that messages should be generated on-line the free format message is displayed in the Outgoing Message Browser once it is saved. You can generate it from the browser. If you indicate that the message should be put on hold, you first have to release the message before you generate it from the Outgoing Message Browser.
  • Receiver
    You have to select the recipient of the message. The available options are:
    • NONE: You may select this option to indicate there are no recipients for the free format message.
    • ENTITY: If you select this option, the system displays the entities defined for each participant in the Entity Details for Participant section of the screen.
    • ENTITY TYPE: If you select this option, you can select the entity type to which the message should be sent.
  • Entity Type

    If you select the receiver as ENTITY TYPE, you have to select the type here. The entity types defined for the participants are displayed in the option list. You can select the required type from this list.

    The message is sent to only those entities of the selected entity type linked to participant at the facility level.