Validating Expense and Proof Codes

While booking a new facility, upon selection of named agent, the system defaults expense code and proof code in Transaction MIS maintenance sub-screen in facility contract online screen.

While booking a new tranche, Expense code and proof code from facility contract are defaulted in MIS sub-screen in tranche online screen.

Similarly, while booking a new Drawdown, Expense code and proof code from tranche contract are defaulted in MIS sub-screen in Drawdown online screen.

System allows you to change the values of the expense code and proof code in the MIS screen, while booking a facility, tranche, or a drawdown. However, if the validation fails, system displays appropriate error messages if the following validations are not met:
  • The proof and expense codes must have proper mapping in named agent maintenance screen for the named agent associated in facility, tranche, and drawdown.
  • The named agent at facility, tranche, or drawdown level should be the same as the named agent mapped for the expense code / proof code being selected.
  • Tranche contract proof code / expense code must be same as the proof code / expense code of the associated facility.
  • Similarly, the Drawdown contract proof code / expense code should be same as the proof code / expense code of the tranche.
  • Proof code or expense code should not be blank for the named agent facility, tranche, and drawdown contracts.
  • System allows you to book a tranche with expense code / proof code values different from the expense code / proof code of the underlying facility. The expense code and proof code for the tranche / drawdown will be same as facility if the facility is for a named agent. System will default the expense code / proof code from the facility while booking the tranche and defaults from tranche while booking the Drawdown.


  • You must ensure that the values for the Department Code and Proof Code maintained in the system are the same.
  • You cannot amend the proof code and expense code in the respective MIS screens after the tranche/drawdown is authorized.