5.25.1 Viewing LB Mark Liquidated screen

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the homepage, type LBDMKLIQ and click next arrow.
    The Mark Liquidated screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.
  2. You are allowed to query the facility contracts in the field Contract Ref No. Upon querying the contract successfully, the other fields in the screen are populated with the relevant information.
    1. Upon saving the record, the system perform the below validations. The record is saved and submitted for authorization upon successful validation.
      • There should not be any active tranche contract under the facility reference number.
      • There should not be any active drawdown contract under the facility reference number.
      • There should not be any uncollected fee outstanding in the facility contract.
      • There should not be any advance fee accruals pending in the facility contract.
      • The existing validations for marking the tranche and drawdown contracts to liquidated are also performed.
    2. The system displays an appropriate error messages if any of the above validations are failed.


      If there is any fee outstanding for the facility contract, an override message is displayed to the user regarding the same.
    3. Once the record is authorized successfully, the facility contract status is changed to Liquidated.
      • LIQD event is registered in the facility contract with no accounting entries.
      • Fee accruals are stopped; the existing accruals remains unchanged.
      • The maker and checker details are updated in the facility contract for the event LIQD.
      • Further operations are not allowed on the liquidated facility contract. Reversal of liquidation is not allowed in the Facility Contract Online screen.