5.2.12 Viewing Participant Margin Details

You can view margin details maintained for participants of the drawdown contract, using the Participant Rate Summary screen.

Specify the User ID and Password, login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to Drawdown Contract Detail screen.

  1. From the Drawdown Contract Detail screen, click Part Rate.
    The Part Rate Summary screen is displayed.
  2. Here you can view the following details.
    • Participant Details
      The system displays the following participant details:
      • Contract Status
      • Participant Facility Ref no
      • Participant Tranche Ref no
      • Customer
      • Ccy
      • Amount
      • Borrower Contract Ref no
    • Interest Components
      The system displays the following component details.
      • Component
      • Component Description
    • Interest Details
      The system displays the following interest details.
      • Value Date
      • Rate Type
      • Rate Code
      • Borrow/Lend
      • Base Rate
      • Spread
      • Margin
      • Adjustment Rate
      • Final Rate
    • Margin Details
      The system displays the following margin details.
      • Margin Component
      • Margin Rate
      • Margin Basis
    This topic contains following sub-topics: