4.1 About Privacy By Design

Oracle Banking Corporate Lending implements Privacy By Design by protecting PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data.

  • Maintaining PII data

    If the data comes under the following categories for an individual user, then it is considered as PII data.

    • Customer Name
    • Customer Contact Information
    • Demographic Information
    • Financial Information
    • Unique Identifiers
In Oracle Banking Corporate Lending, Privacy By Design is achieved by following methods.
  • Data Masking

    Oracle Banking Corporate Lending masks the PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data to protect the privacy of the customer.

  • Right To Be Forgotten

    Oracle Banking Corporate Lending provides Right to be Forgotten PII data provision, if the customers are no longer associated with the bank. Once the customer is forgotten in the system, customer data is not available for any operation (including query/re open) in Detail screen as well as in the Summary screen.

  • Granular Access

    Oracle Banking Corporate Lending provides granular access to PII data based on the access group restrictions maintained in the user definition. Each customer is mapped to the access group and each user is provided access to that group. Based on the access group, you can query, view, create, amend, re-open, and so on the customer information.


    For USER1, only ACCGRP1 is mapped as Allowed in Access Group Restriction. In this case, USER1 can create, modify, view, and query only the customers under access group ACCGRP1.However, USER1 cannot create, modify, view or query the transactions for customers mapped to other access group.

    For USER2, only ACCGRP2 is mapped as Disallowed in Access Group Restriction. In this case, USER2 cannot create, modify, view, query for the customers under access group ACCGRP2. However, USER2 can create, modify, view or query the transactions for customers mapped to other access group.

  • Transparent Database Encryption

    It is required to encrypt sensitive application data on storage media completely transparent to the application itself. TDE encrypts data automatically when written to storage including backups, data dumps exports, and logs. Encrypted data is correspondingly decrypted when read from storage. Access controls that are enforced at the database and application layers remain in effect.

  • Data Portability

    As part of Privacy By Design, data portability feature is available for the following summary screens.