6.1.2 Features of Outgoing Message Browser

The following details of a message are displayed in the Outgoing Message Browser:
  • The reference number of the contract for which the message belongs (for an account statement it is the account number.)
  • The module to which the contract belongs (Loans and Deposits, Bills and Collections, and so on.)
  • The type of message that is to be generated (For example, debit advice, credit advice, and so on.)
  • The recipient of the message.
  • The amount that is contained in the message. For example, if the message is a loan initiation advice, it is the loan amount, if it is a liquidation advice, it is the liquidation amount, and so on. Messages that do not involve an amount, like an acknowledgment tracer, does not have an amount.
  • The currency in which the amount or account is expressed.
  • The status of a message.
  • The value date for payment messages. This enables you to query messages using the Value Date.
  • The customer entity of the recipient to whom the message is sent. This field is specific to Loan syndication Module. You can query messages using the Customer Entity field. If you select $$$ as the Entity, all messages related to the recipient are displayed.
  • The status of the message - whether generated, un-generated or in repair.
  • The authorization status.
  • The Hold status - whether the message is on hold or not.
  • The Interdict status, which is the status of the Global Interdict check. This cannot be modified.
  • The OFAC Status, if OFAC validation is required. This cannot be modified.
  • The custom reference number of the contract related to the message.
  • The swift message type corresponding to the message.
  • The counterparty for the contract related to the message.
  • The account number related to the message.
  • The primary address, indicating whether the receiver’s address in the message is a primary address or not.
A message that is displayed on the Outgoing Message Browser can bear one of the following statuses:
  • Held
  • Released
  • Canceled
  • Reinstated
  • Repair
  • Generated
  • Ungenerated
  • Sent
For a message that was put into the repair status, the exception that occurred while the message was being processed is shown. The following details of the message are also displayed, and you have an option to change them. They are:
  • The address to which a message should be sent.
  • The media through which the message is transmitted.
  • The priority with which a message should be sent and
  • The branch from where the message should be sent.
  • The node from which the message is generated.