4.7.1 Capturing the Pricing Details

Table 4-14 Capturing the Pricing Details

Field Description
Drawdown ref no Specify the drawdown reference number. The adjoining option list displays all valid drawdown products maintained at the Tranche level. You can select the appropriate one.


In order to create a single drawdown for multiple trades, you need to select the same dummy reference number for all the relevant trades
For the first trade under a Ticket ID for which dummy reference numbers are yet to be generated, You are required to Generate the first dummy reference number by clicking on the Generate button; since no values are available for selection from the option list.

If you select a dummy reference number from the option list and press Generate button the selected reference number is replaced with newly generated reference number.

You can generate a dummy reference number using Generate option and then overwrite the generated value with a value selected from the pick list. The Total Drawdown amount under a particular dummy reference is the cumulative sum of the funded amounts under the trades for the ticket.
Drawdown CCY Specify the currency of the Drawdown which can be sued for processing.
Drawdown Product Specify the drawdown of the product. The adjoining option list displays all valid drawdown products maintained at the Tranche level. You can select the appropriate one.
Funded Amount The total drawdown amount in the drawdown currency.
Funded Amount in Trade CCy The system displays the funded amount in trade currency.
Ex Rate Specify the fixed exchange rate between the Funding currency and Tranche/Trade currency if both are not same. Funded amount in Trade currency gets displayed in the adjacent field using the exchange rate given.
Borrower Specify the borrower number. The adjoining option list displays all valid borrowers maintained at the Tranche level. You can select the appropriate one.
Value Date Specify the value Date of the Drawdown.
Maturity Date Specify the maturity date of the Drawdown. The date should be greater than the Drawdown date.

The system validates the drawdown value date and maturity date to be within the tranche value date and tranche maturity date.

Original Start Date Specify the original start date of the Drawdown. The date should be less than or equal to Drawdown date.
Rate Type Specify the interest rate type of the Drawdown from the options available:
  • Fixed
  • Floating
Rate Basis Specify the rate basis. The adjoining option list displays all valid rate basis maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.
Buyer’s Share Specify the buyer’s share amount as on the actual settlement details. This is used for DCF computation.

For Pro-Rata agency contracts, the system populates the details based on the trade ratio whereas for Non Pro-rata agency contract, you need to provide the details for each drawdown. Only those drawdown should be captured in which the seller of the trade is an active participant.