4.7 Capturing Agency Details

You can capture agency branch details in the Agency Detail Input screen.

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to Trade Settlement Detailed screen (TLDSETTL).

  1. From the Trade Settlement Detailed screen, click Manual Funding Memo.
    The Manual Funding Memo screen is displayed.

    Figure 4-16 Manual Funding Memo

    The following trade related details are displayed here.
    • Contract Ref No is the SLT contract number.
    • Trade Price is the price at which the deal is booked.
    • Trade amount is the amount which is bought/sold.
    • Portfolio is each Branch-Desk combination with in a unique Portfolio.
  2. You can enter below details in Manual Funding Memo screen. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 4-13 Manual Funding Memo

    Field Description
    Tranche ref no Specify the total tranche amount for a CUSIP.


    • This field is disabled if the parameter Buy back for Zero Position tranche is not selected.
    • If Buy-back for Zero Position tranche is selected, Tranche Reference Number of all zero-position non-lead tranches linked to the CUSIP is populated in the adjoining option list.
    • If Buy-back for Zero Position tranche is selected and the Funding Memo source is Manual for a tranche with position, the tranche option list is not disabled. The option list does not have any values.
    • You need to enter the drawdown details in the Funding Memo Upload screen. You are not allowed to select the existing drawdowns even though the drawdown outstanding is zero, using Drawdown Selection screen for zero-position tranche.
    Global Tranche Amount Specify the total tranche amount for a CUSIP.
    Upfront Fee Specify the upfront fee here. The fee is not used while processing any settlement.
    BCR Fee Specify the BCR Fee (Benefit of Commitment Reduction) here. The fee is not used while processing any settlement.
    The following details are displayed and computed based on the drawdown details specified:
    • Global Funded Amount (system arrives at this amount based on the pricing details captured in this screen)
    • Global Unfunded Amount (system arrives at this amount based on the Global Tranche amount, Trade amount and drawdown details)
    • Trade Funded Amount
    • Trade Unfunded Amount
    This topic contains following sub-topics: