4.6 Querying Trade Contract

You can view a summary of all the processed draft trades and query for a trade in the Secondary Loan - Trade Summary screen.

To capture details of secondary loan - trade summary

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. On the homepage, type TLSTDONL and click next arrow.
    The Secondary Loan - Trade Summary screen is displayed.

    Figure 4-14 Secondary Loan - Trade Summary

  2. Click Search to view summary of all processed draft trades.

    You can view the details of a trade in the Trade Online screen by selecting a desired row in the summary screen and double-clicking the same.

    You can also query for a trade using the Advanced Search screen.

  3. From the Secondary Loan - Trade Summary screen, click Advanced Search.
    The Advanced Search screen is displayed.
    In this screen you can perform the following types of queries for all contracts booked for a CUSIP:
    • All trades bought or sold.
    • All contracts booked between two trade dates.
    • All contracts booked between two settlement dates.
    • All contracts booked with a particular counterparty.
    • All contracts booked for a particular desk.
    • All contracts booked for a Swap Id.