5.3 Liquidating Fee Components

You can liquidate the Brokerage Fee and Amendment Fee components, post trade settlement, in the SLT Fee Liquidation screen.

To capture details of liquidation screen

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. On the homepage, type TLDFEELQ and click next arrow.
    The SLT Fee Liquidation screen is displayed.

    Figure 5-10 SLT Fee Liquidation

    SLT Fee Liquidation

  2. The basic trade details are defaulted in this screen. You can specify the following details in SLT Fee Liquidation screen.

    Table 5-9 SLT Fee Liquidation

    Feild Description
    Value Date The current system date gets defaulted as the value date for the liquidation.
    Liquidate Select this check box against Amendment Fee or Broker Fee to liquidate the corresponding fee component.


    • You cannot liquidate the fee components manually, before trade settlement.
    • You cannot liquidate the fee components partially.
    This topic contains following sub-topics: