5.3.2 Trade Settlement Threshold Limit

You can maintain threshold limit for the fee components such as DCF, CoC and amendment fee for a product and currency combination.

To capture details of trade settlement threshold limit screen

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. On the homepage, type TLDCFTOL and click next arrow.
    The Trade Settlement Threshold Limit screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 5-12 Trade Settlement Threshold Limit

  2. You can enter the following details in Trade Settlement Threshold Limit screen. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 5-11 Trade Settlement Threshold Limit

    Field Description
    Product Code Displays all the Active and Authorized of SLT products. You can select from the LOV.
    Currency Displays all the currencies which are available for the SLT product selected. You can select from the LOV.
    Populate Components Click Populate Components to get the fee components which are available for a product.
    Threshold Limit for All Components You can enter a value in this field and click on the tab, the entered value is defaulted to all the fee components populated. If required you can modify the defaulted value for each individual component.
    Component The DCF fee and amendment fee components available for the SLT product selected are displayed in this field once you click on the P button.


    The fee component for DCF interest comprises the fee amounts for DCF fixed interest, DCF floating interest and DCF fixed margin.
    Threshold Limit If you do not want to define threshold limit for a component, you can enter zero. You cannot enter negative value. You can enter more than 4 digits.