Specifying Assignment Fee Details

You can specify the following details for fee components of type Assignment.

Table 4-10 Assignment Fee Details

Field Description
Assignment Fee Type Select the method of sharing the assignment fee between the buyer and seller, from the dropdown list. The following options are provided:
  • Buyer - the entire assignment fee amount is booked against the buyer.
  • Seller - the entire assignment fee amount is booked against the seller.
  • Split - assignment fee amount can be split between the buyer and seller.
  • Paid In Advance - assignment fee can be paid in advance.
Buyer’s Split Amount Specify the assignment fee amount that has to be booked against the buyer associated with the trade deal.
Seller’s Split Amount Specify the assignment fee amount that has to be booked against the seller associated with the trade deal.


  • Buyer’s Split Amount and Seller’s Split Amount are enabled only for assignment fee of type Split.
  • The sum of Buyer’s Split Amount and Seller’s Split Amount gets updated as the Amount, in this case.