4.1.2 Specifying Markit/ClearPar Details

You can enter the following details in Trade Online screen.

Table 4-3 Markit/ClearPar Details

Field Description
Trade ID Specify the trade id to uniquely identify the associated SLT trade in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending for each of the trade sent from Markit.


If LQT trade that is received for trade booking (TBOK) is in Failed / Enrich / Extracted status then you are not allowed to input (if ClearPar trade ID is blank) or override (if Clear- Par trade ID is not blank) the ClearPar trade ID value in Draft Trade screen while processing such trades.

You are allowed to input the ClearPar trade ID in Draft Trade screen when trade is manually booked (TBOK) in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending.

The maximum length for ClearPar trade ID is 25.

Trade booking or amendment fails in LQT trade browser if LQT sends ClearPar trade ID with special characters. You should reject and resend the trade from LQT with corrected ClearPar trade ID.

You cannot save trade in draft trade screen (manual TBOK) with special characters in Markit /ClearPar trade ID.


Blank space is allowed in ClearPar trade ID. If more than one ClearPar trade ID is associated with a trade then those can be separated by a blank space.

You cannot amend ClearPar trade ID during trade amendment (TAMD) processing. However, Oracle Banking Corporate Lending updates the trade systematically with the new ClearPar trade ID during trade amendment when LQT sends the revised value.

If a trade amendment leads to reversal and rebook, then the new trade is updated with the ClearPar trade ID from the old (reversed) trade

Allocation ID Specify the allocation id for the matching processing and manual linkage of SLT and Markit trades.