4.1 Introduction

A contract is a specific agreement or transaction entered into between two or more entities. In SLT module, the trade details for initiating a contract can originate from any of the following sources:
  • Trade details can be manually entered in SLT module
  • Trade details can be uploaded from the external system, Loans QT
  • Trade deal can originate from the LB module
Except for trades originating from LB, you can use the Secondary Loan Trading - Draft Trade screen to enter the details of the contract.

To capture details of trade online screen

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. On the homepage, type TLDTDONL and click next arrow.
    The Trade Online screen is displayed.
  2. When you click the New from the menu, the Trade Type screen is displayed where you can specify the type of the trade you want to perform.
  3. You can enter below details in Trade Online screen. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 4-1 Trade Online

    Field Description
    Trade Type Select the type of your trade from the drop-down list provided. From the menu, select New to specify the details for a new trade deal or select Modify, if you want to modify the details of an existing deal.
    Contract Ref. No. Select the reference number of the contract whose details you want to modify, from the option list provided. This is applicable only for Modify type of trades.
    Product Select the product code of the trade product you want to use for the trade deal, from the option list. All trade products maintained in the Secondary Loan Trade - Product Definition screen are displayed in the list.

    Product is enabled only for New trades.

    Position Identifier Select the position identifier or the branch-desk-expense code combination, to be used to track the position details of a portfolio. Position identifiers corresponding to all the portfolios defined for the current branch are displayed in the option list.

    Position identifier is enabled only for New trades.

    This topic contains following sub-topics: