4.1.6 Specifying Holiday Preferences

The holiday treatment preferences specified for the product gets defaulted here. You can modify there details, if required.

Table 4-7 Specifying Holiday Preferences

Field Description
Ignore Holidays Select this check box to indicate that the settlement date is fixed without taking the holidays into account.
Consider Branch Holiday Select this check box to indicate that the settlement date is fixed taking into consideration the holidays specified for the branch.
Holiday Ccy Select the currency associated with a trade deal, for which you want to specify the holiday preferences.
Apply Local Ccy Select this check box to indicate that local currency holidays need to taken into consideration while fixing the settlement date.
Apply Contract Ccy Select this check box to indicate that the contract currency holidays need to taken into consideration while fixing the settlement date.
Apply Fin Centre Holiday Currency This check box allows you to enable financial centre holiday treatment and add the financial centres for the holiday treatment.

For more information about maintaining financial centre for holiday treatment refer to Products User Manual.

Remarks Specify remarks, if any, to be associated with the trade contract.
After entering the basic trade details, you can validate the same by clicking Verify button.

On successful validation, you can select the Submit option to send the trade details for further processing, after authorization. All trades specified in this screen remains in the draft stage until they are selected for submission. Before submitting the details for further processing, you can modify the details any number of times by unlocking the record and amending the details. You can also delete the details, if required, before it is submitted for further processing.

After successful validation of the trade details, if you select the Reject option, the details specified can be rejected, in case of any discrepancies.

You can also perform an amendment of the trade details in this screen, before trade settlement.


Trades uploaded from Loan QT are treated as confirmed trades by default. You cannot modify the expected settlement date, in this case.

A unique reference number called the Trade Reference Number gets generated for every processed trade and the position details of the trade are also updated. The trade details are processed further in the SLT module.

You can view the details of a processed trade in the Trade Online screen.

For more details on Trade Online screen, refer the topic Viewing Processed Trades in this user manual.


The details of trades uploaded from Loans QT are processed automatically with the default selection of Validation and Submit options.