4.1.5 Specifying Other Details

You can specify following other details related to the trade deal.

Table 4-6 Specifying Other Details

Field Description
Agency Id Select the Id of the lead agent of the transaction, to whom the assignment fee needs to be sent.
Broker Select the Id of the broker involved in the deal, if any, to whom the broker fee needs to be sent.
Assignment Fee Remitter Select the party that remits the assignment fee to the lead agent. The options available are as follows:
  • Buyer
  • Seller
Ext CUSIP/ISIN Specify the external CUSIP number to be associated with the trade deal.
Borrower Specify/select the borrower from the options available. Borrower is not considered while processing the trade.
Commitment Reduction/Increase Amendment Select this check box to indicate that the amendment is due to commitment reduction/ increase.
PIK Amendment Select this check box to indicate that the amendment is due to PIK component associated with the trade amount.
Parent Line Trade Select this check box to indicate that the associated customer trade is created as a result of a line trade.


This is applicable only for trades of type Customer Trade.
Apply Cmt Redn/PIK for CUSIP Amendment Select this check box to indicate that reduction in commitment amount is applicable for the tranche during CUSIP amendment. The reduction is applicable only if the trade has commitment reduction/PIK amount.
Primary Trade If the Primary Trade is selected, the system identifies the trade as a primary trade.

The value of the Primary Trade check box is defaulted from the Draft Trade Input screen. For the trades booked from LQT, the value of the Primary Trade is defaulted from the value of the field Primary Trade from LQT.

Document Type The DCF (Delayed Compensation Fees) categories for a trade are derived based on the document type specified.
Select the document type from the adjoining drop down list. The list displays the following values:
  • Par
  • Distress


  • This option cannot be modified as part of trade amendment if the system date is greater than or equal to the expected settlement date.
  • Once the draft trade is processed, the document type field can be viewed in trade online screen also.
If the document type is Par then the following funded DCF categories are applicable:
If the document type is Distress then the following funded DCF categories are applicable:
Trade Standard The following are the list of values in the Trade Standard drop-down list.
  • LMA
  • LSTA
  • Non-Standard
This field is only a display-only field and the value is defaulted while processing the feed from LQT.
Firm Account Mnemonic The system displays the corresponding firm account mnemonic based on the position identifier/portfolio.