4.13 ELCM Block Details

You can use the ELCM Block Details screen for viewing blocked funds of facility, liability, collateral, and collateral pool.Click the ELCM Block Details in the LB Tranche Contract Online screen to access this screen.
Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the Homepage, type OLDBLKIN and click next arrow.
    The ELCM Block Details screen is displayed.
  2. You can enter below details in this tab. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 4-30 ELCM Block Details

    Fields Description
    Contract Reference Number The contract reference number attached to the block is displayed.
    Block Reference Number Indicates the unique block number with the combination of User Ref Number, Participant, and Event Sequence Number. This block number is assigned for every block that has been created.
    Event Sequence Number The system defaults the corresponding event sequence number.
    Even Code Select the block event code that you want to associate with the contract.
    Participant Select the participant of the contract.
    Amount Specify the amount to be blocked.