5.9 Loans Syndication – Participant Contract Online screen

To recall, when the BOOK event for borrower facility, tranche or drawdown is triggered, the system creates the related participant facility, tranche or drawdowns You can view the participant contracts initiated by the system in the Loans Syndication – Participant Contract Online. You can also view the position identifier description in case the participant is self participant.The features of this screen are discussed in the following sections.
Specify the User ID and Password, login to Homepage.
  1. On the homepage, type LPDCOMNT and click next arrow.
    The Participant Contract Input screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 5-43 Participant Contract Input

  2. In the above screen, you can view the following details about the contract.
    • Code of the product being used.
    • System generated reference number for the participant contract is displayed here.
    • User reference number, which is defaulted to the contract reference number. You can change it if necessary, and specify the appropriate user reference number.
    • Custom reference number
    • Outstanding balance on the participant contract reporting currency.
    • System generated reference number for the borrower facility contract, under which the participant contract was created.
    • System generated reference number for the borrower tranche contract, under which the participant contract was created.
    • If it is a participant drawdown contract, the serial number of the drawdown under the tranche.
    • Customer of the contract
    • Contract currency
    • Contract amount in contract currency and reporting currency
    • Contract booking date, value date and maturity date
    • For participant tranche or drawdown contracts, whether collection from the participant must be initiated automatically (auto collection).
    • Whether the amount repaid by the borrower must be disbursed automatically (auto disbursement).
    • Remarks
    In addition, a vertical toolbar is also provided in the screen. These buttons are used to invoke other sub-systems required for processing a participant contract. These buttons have been described briefly below:
    Button Description
    Entity Click this tab to view the entities defined for the participants, defaulted from the participant details in the parent borrower tranche or drawdown.
    Settlements Click this tab to view the settlement details for the participant, defaulted from the SSI Mnemonic selected for the participant in the borrower tranche.
    MIS Click this tab to view the MIS details for the contract, defaulted from the participant details in the parent borrower tranche or drawdown.
    UDF Click this tab to view the User Defined Fields (UDFs) for the contract, defaulted from the participant details in the parent borrower tranche or drawdown.
    Tax Click this tab to view the Participant Tax Details screen.
    Payment Schedule Click this tab to view the payment schedule details.
    Rate History Click this tab to view the participant margin rate history.
    Diary Click this tab to view the diary events defined for the participant contract, defaulted from the parent borrower tranche or drawdown.
    Events Click this tab to invoke the Event Log Details screen. Here, you can view the accounting entries for each event and the overrides encountered, if any.
    LB Click this tab to view the syndication details.
    This topic contains following sub-topics: