5.27 Payable Receivable Upload

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the homepage, type LBDPRUPL and click next arrow.
    The Payable Receivable Upload screen is displayed.

    Figure 5-92 Payable Receivable Upload

  2. You are allowed to perform the below actions in this screen.
    • New
    • Save
    • Authorize
    • Delete
    • Query
  3. For payable receivable upload, you should enter the below fields in the .csv file to be uploaded.
    • Contract Reference Number
    • Component
    • Payable/Receivable Amount
    • Due Date
  4. You should click New and select the .csv file name using the LOV in the search block field XL File to be uploaded and upload the file.
  5. You should enter negative amount for payable and positive amount for receivable amount in the Excel spreadsheet.
  6. After uploading the file, you should click Save.
  7. The system performs below validations during the save of payable receivable upload and appropriate error messages are displayed if any validation is failed.
    • Header format of the uploaded .csv file should be in accordance with the upload template.
    • Format of the individual line items must be in accordance with the upload template.
  8. Records are saved upon successful validation and the system displays a message saying the upload is successful; the uploaded records will be updated in the detailed block and enabled for authorization.
  9. Once the records are populated in the detailed block, you are not allowed to delete any record individually. In such case you need delete some of the records, then delete the upload and perform a new upload.
  10. Authorization of the payable/receivable upload fails if any of the following validations are failed.
    • The contract reference number should be valid.
    • Sum of amount due - (amount settled +payable/receivable) should be zero.
  11. Payable / receivable upload may contain multiple components for each contract and so the validations are done component-wise in the order of the uploaded csv file.
  12. In case of any error during authorization, the exception is logged and the authorization of the payable receivable upload is failed. You can view the exception in sub screen for error log.
  13. When there are multiple components in the upload, out of which, some are validated successfully and some are failed, system processes the validated components and reject the failed components with appropriate error messages.
  14. If you re-upload the rejected components, then you should manually remove the components which are processed in the csv file (since system do not know if the component is new or existing).
  15. Update on the contract is processed for the records once the authorization is successful in the payable receivable upload screen as part of the event CAMD. The maker and checker details are updated accordingly and version number is incremented.