
This topic contains the following sub-topics:


This manual is designed to help you quickly get acquainted with the activation of reports, and module-wise reports available in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending.

You can further obtain information about to a particular field by placing the cursor on the relevant field and pressing the <F1> key on the keyboard.


This manual is intended for the following User/User Roles

Table -1 Audience

Role Function
Back office clerk Input functions for contracts
Back office managers/officers Authorization functions
Product Managers Product definition and authorization
End of day operators Processing during end of day/ beginning of day
Financial Controller / Product Managers Generation of reports

Critical Patches

Oracle advises customers to get all their security vulnerability information from the Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory, which is available at Critical Patches, Security Alerts and Bulletins. All critical patches should be applied in a timely manner to make sure effective security, as strongly recommended by Oracle Software Security Assurance.

Related Resources

For more information, refer to the following documents:

  • Loan Syndication User Guide
  • Bilateral Loans User Guide


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning


Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.


Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Screenshot Disclaimer

Personal information used in the interface or documents is dummy and does not exist in the real world. It is only for reference purposes.

Basic Actions

Table -2 List of Basic Actions

Action Description
Approve Click Approve to approve the initiated report.

This button is displayed, once the user click Authorize.

Audit Click Audit to view the maker details, checker details of the particular record, and record status.

This button is displayed only for the records that are already created.

Authorize Click Authorize to authorize the record created. A maker of the screen is not allowed to authorize the report. Only a checker can authorize a record.

This button is displayed only for the already created records.

Close Click Close to close a record.

This action is available only when a record is created.

Confirm Click Confirm to confirm the performed action.
Cancel Click Cancel to cancel the performed action.
Compare Click Compare to view the comparison through the field values of old record and the current record.

This button is displayed in the widget, once the user click Authorize.

Collapse All Click Collapse All to hide the details in the sections.

This button is displayed, once the user click Compare.

Expand All Click Expand All to expand and view all the details in the sections.

This button is displayed, once the user click Compare.

New Click New to add a new record. The system displays a new record to specify the required data.


The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.
OK Click OK to confirm the details in the screen.
Save Click Save to save the details entered or selected in the screen.
View Click View to view the report details in a particular modification stage.

This button is displayed in the widget, once the user click Authorize.

View Difference only Click View Difference only to view a comparison through the field element values of old record and the current record, which has undergone changes.

This button is displayed, once the user click Compare.

Symbols and Icons

The list of symbols and icons available on the screens are as follows:

Table -3 Symbols and Icons - Common

Symbol/Icon Function
Minimize Minimize
Maximize Maximize
Close Close
Search Perform Search
Open List Open a list
First Record Navigate to the first record
Last Record Navigate to the last record
Previous Record Navigate to the previous record
Next Record Navigate to the next record
Grid View Grid view
List View List view
Refresh Refresh
Add row Click this icon to add a new row.
Delete row Click this icon to delete a row, which is already added.
Calendar Calendar
Alerts Alerts
Unlock Option Unlock Option
View Option View Option
New New
Enter query Enter query
Execute query Execute query
Copy Copy
Delete Delete
Save Save
Search Search
Advanced search Advanced search
Clear all Clear all
Reset Reset
Export Export
Print Print
View Details View Details
Sorting Sorting

Table -4 Symbols and Icons - Widget

Symbol/Icon Function
Open status Open status
Unauthorized status Unauthorized status
Rejected status Rejected status
Closed status Closed status
Authorized status Authorized status
Modification Number Modification Number
Hold Hold
Reverse Reverse
Authorize Authorize
Rollover Rollover