1.4.1 Capture Message Details Tab 1

A contract can either be settled through an instrument or a Messaging service (such as SWIFT). The details of the instrument or message have to be specified in the Message Details screen.
The message details that you specify applies only for messages generated through SWIFT. The type of SWIFT message that is generated depends on the parties involved in the contract. Depending on the method in which you want to settle the contract, you should specify either Instrument or Message details.

To capture Message Details Tab 1

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage
  1. On the Loan and Commitment -Contract Input main screen (OLDTRONL), click Message Details of OL module.
    Click Message Details from the following screens of LS module.
    • FCDTRONL (Loan Syndication – Facility Contract Online)
    • LBDTRONL (LS Tranche Contract Online)
    • LBDDDONL (DrawDown Online)
    • LBDVAMND (LS - Value Dated Amendment)
    • LBDPYMNT (Loan Syndication - Contract Payment)
    • LBDFEELQ (Fee Liquidation)
    The Message Details screen is displayed.

    Figure 1-8 Message Details Tab 1

  2. You can enter the following details in this tab. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 1-9 Message Details

    Field Description
    Transfer Type You can specify the Transfer Type as any of the following: 
    • Bank Transfer
    • Customer Transfer
    • Bank Transfer for own A/c
    • Direct Debit Advice
    • MCK, or
    • None
    Instrument details If you choose to settle a contract with an instrument, you should specify the type of instrument that you would use. For example, you could settle a contract using a Manager’s Check, a Check or a Demand Draft. You should also specify the number that identifies the instrument. This number is printed on the instrument. If the settlement is through an instrument, you cannot specify party details.
    RTGS Payment This option indicates whether or not the payment mode for the contract is RTGS payment. The system validates this option against the following conditions:
    • The Branch which is initiating the contract should be an RTGS member
    • The contract should belong to an RTGS product
    • The currency of the settlement account should be the local currency of the Branch
    • If Cover is not required, then the receiver of the message should be the Central Institution. The Central Institution is identified by the RTGS account CIF maintained in Branch Parameters. If there were an intermediary, then it would have to be an RTGS member. Otherwise, the account with the Institution would have to be an RTGS member
    • If Cover is required, then the receiver of the Cover should be a Central Institution. The Central Institution is identified by the RTGS Account CIF maintained in Branch Parameters. In addition, the correspondent/receiver’s correspondent has to be an RTGS member

    If all the above conditions are satisfied, then the contract is considered an RTGS Payment contract and the system checks the RTGS Payment option in this screen. However, you can change this option at the time of contract input if required. If any of the settlement details are changed, then the system validates this option again at the time of contract input. If the Payment option is resolved to be an RTGS payment, but deselected at the contract input level, then the contract is not considered for RTGS Message processing. Instead an override is displayed during the save operation of the contract. If the system resolves the payment as non-RTGS Payment but you mark it as RTGS Payment in the contract input screen, then the transaction is not saved.

    Message details For a SWIFT message, you should specify:
    • Whether a Cover has to be sent to the Reimbursement Bank, along with the payment message to the receiver
    • Bank to bank payment details, (these can be in the form of instructions or additional information to any of the parties involved in the contract)
    • Any Sender to Receiver information
    Related Reference Number You can enter the Related Reference Number for the contract. This field supports a maximum of 16 characters. The Related Reference Number is reflected in Field 21 of the MT202 message. This field is not mandatory.
    Details of Charges In this section you can maintain details of the party who bears the charges incurred in processing the transaction. It could be either:
    • Remitter – All Charges
    • Beneficiary – All Charges
    • Remitter – Our Charges
    USD Clearing Network You can specify whether the USD clearing Network should be:
    • Fedwire
    • CHIPS
    • Universal
    • CHIPS participant