Defining Slabs and Tier Structures

You can define the tax that you would like to apply to a contract, in terms of a tier or a slab structure.

Through this screen, first specify if the Basis Amount (on which tax is calculated) should be taken as a slab or a tier. Indicate Cumulative (by selecting the check box), if the Basis Amount structure is a Tier. Leave it blank if the Basis Amount structure is a Slab.

The following example illustrates how this works:


You have the following Amount Basis (cumulative) structure for a Tax Rule defined for tax on the deal amount:
Amount Rate
0 to 250,000 1%
> 250,000 <= 1 Million 2%
> 1 Million <= 3 Million 2.5%
> 3 Million 3%
When this tax rule is applied on a deal of USD 1.5 million, the rate of tax is calculated depending on whether the Amount Basis has been defined as a slab or as a tier. The different methods are calculated as follows:
  • Tier basis

    The first 250,000 is taxed at 1%

    Amount from 250,001 to 1,000,000 at 2%

    Amount from 1,000,001 to 1,500,000 at 2.5%

  • Slab basis

    The entire USD 1.5M is taxed at 2.5%