2.1 Internal Fund Transfer Format 1

Format Supported - CSV

Field Descriptions

Field Sequence Field Name Mandatory Remarks/Value Max Length Data Type
1 mixedIdentifier Y This field can contain value A or B. Incase adhoc payment the value should be A 1 String
2 partyId Y Customer/Party id of customer who uploading the file. This value should be as per core banking data. 20 String
3 debitAccountId Y Source/Debit account number. 50 String
4 amount debit identifier Y

Debit amount or Transfer amount

Allowed Value - D/T

1 String
5 amount Y Transaction amount with format (###.##) for example 20.25, 20.00 - BigDecimal
6 amountCurr Y 3 digit transfer currency such as EUR, GBP 3 String
7 valueDate Y Transfer date with format DD-MM-YYYY for example 26-03-2020 10 Date
8 creditAccountId Y Credit/beneficiary account number 34 String
9 debitNarrative Y Narrative for debit account 35 String
10 creditNarrative Y Narrative for credit account 35 String
11 Deal ref number N Deal Reference Number 35 String
12 Email id N Email ID of the creditor 35 String
13 Charges account N Charges Account Details 35 String
14 Reference number N Reference Number 35 String

Field Mapping

Field Name Canonical Field
mixedIdentifier Not Required
partyId initiatingPartyId
debitAccountId drAccNo
amount debit identifier Not Required
amount amount
amountCurr currency
valueDate valueDate
creditAccountId beneAccNo
debitNarrative drAccTypePropietry
creditNarrative remittanceInfo
Deal ref number contractID
Email id emailAddress
Charges account chargesAccount
Reference number instructionId