2.2 Internal Fund Transfer Format 2

Format Supported - CSV

Field Descriptions

Field Sequence Field Name Mandatory Remarks/Value Max Length Data Type
1 partyId Y Customer/Party id of customer who uploading the file. This value should be as per core banking data. 20 String
2 debitAccountId Y Source/Debit account number. Should be one account per file. It can either be VA or RA 50 String
3 amount debit identifier Y

Debit amount or Transfer amount

Allowed Value - D/T

1 String
4 totalamount Y Total transaction/transfer amount with format (###.##) for example 100.50. Total amount should be equal to addition of credit/transfer amount from body section. - BigDecimal
5 amountCurrency Y 3 digit transfer currency such as EUR, GBP 3 String
6 valueDate Y Transfer date with format DD-MM-YYYY for example 26-03-2020 10 Date
7 debitNarrative Y Narrative for debit account 35 String
8 Charges account N Charges Account Details 50 String
  Records Fields
1 mixedIdentifier Y This field can contain value A or B. Incase adhoc payment the value should be A 1 String
2 amount Y Transaction amount with format (###.##) for example 20.25, 20.00 - BigDecimal
3 creditAccountId Y Credit/beneficiary account number 34 String
4 creditNarrative Y Narrative for credit account 35 String
5 Deal ref number N Deal Reference Number 35 String
6 Email id N Email ID of creditor 35 String
7 Reference number Y Reference Number 35 String

Field Mapping

Field Sequence Field Name Canonical Field
1 partyId initiatingPartyId
2 debitAccountId drAccNo
3 amount debit identifier Not Required
4 totalamount totalAmount
5 amountCurr currency
6 valueDate valueDate
7 debitNarrative drAccTypePropietry
8 Charges account chargesAccount
  Records Fields
1 mixedIdentifier Not Required
2 amount amount
3 creditAccountId beneAccNo
4 creditNarrative remittanceInfo
5 Deal ref no contractID
6 Email id emailAddress
7 Ref no instructionId