1.7 Customer Setup File Upload

This topics describes the information to perform the bulk upload for the customer setup in Oracle Banking Liquidity Management.

File Type Supported - CSV

File Naming Convention - LMCustomerMaint_<UniqueName>.csv


Replace the <UniqueName> for each file upload.


The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.

Table 1-11 Customer Setup File Upload - Records

Sequence Attribute name Type Size Description
1 Action* String 10 Denotes file operation type. Allowed values are new/modify
2 Customer Id* String 20 Specifies the Customer Id of the customer
3 Customer Name* String 105 Specifies the Name of the customer
4 Parent Customer Id String 20 Denotes the Parent Customer Id of the customer
5 Address Line 1* String 100 Indicates the customer address details - Address Line 1
6 Address Line 2* String 100 Indicates the customer address details - Address Line 2
7 Address Line 3* String 100 Indicates the customer address details - Address Line 3
8 Address Line 4* String 100 Indicates the customer address details - Address Line 4
9 Bank Code* String 4 Denotes the Bank Code
10 Branch Code* String 4 Denotes the Branch Code
11 Source System* String 35 Indicates the Source System
12 Source System Cust No String 50 Denotes the Source System Customer Number
13 Closed Stat String 1 Indicates the Closed Stat
14 Closed Dt Stamp String 35 Indicates the Closed Date Stamp
15 Is Forgotten String 1 Denotes the Forgotten customer
16 Is Prospect String 1 Denotes the Prospect is available or not
17 Charge Pricing Scheme String 50 Indicates the Charge Pricing Scheme
18 Charge Account No String 35 Indicates the Charge Account Number
19 Charge Account Brn String 3 Denotes the Charge Account Brn
20 Charge Cust Acc Ccy String 3 Denotes the Charge Customer Account currency
21 Charge Branch Code String 3 Denotes the Charge Branch Code