1.8 Interface Setup File Upload

This topics describes the information to perform the bulk upload for the interface setup in Oracle Banking Liquidity Management.

File Type Supported - CSV

File Naming Convention - LMInterfaceInstruction_<UniqueName>.csv


Replace the <UniqueName> for each file upload.


The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.

Table 1-12 Interface Setup File Upload - Master Records

Sequence Attribute Name Type Size Remarks
1 Discriminator* String 1 Denotes master record type. Default value is always “P”
2 Action* String 10 Denotes file operation type. Allowed values are new/modify
3 External System Id* String 5 Denotes the External System Id
4 Service Name* String 50 Specifies the name of the Service
5 Template Name* String 50 Specifies the name of the Template

Table 1-13 Interface Setup File Upload - Child Record 1

Sequence Attribute Name Type Size Remarks
1 Discriminator* String 16 Denotes the first child record type. Default value is always “InterfaceDetails”
2 Parameter Name* String 50 Indicates the Parameter Name
3 Parameter Value* String 100 Indicates the Parameter Value

Table 1-14 Interface Setup File Upload - Child Record 2

Sequence Attribute Name Type Size Remarks
1 Discriminator* String 23 Denotes the second child record type. Default value is always “InterfaceServiceDetails”
2 Parameter Name* String 50 Indicates the Parameter Name
3 Parameter Value* String 4000 Indicates the Parameter Value

Table 1-15 Interface Setup File Upload - Child Record 3

Sequence Attribute Name Type Size Remarks
1 Discriminator* String 21 Denotes the third child record type. Default value is always “InterfaceEventDetails”
2 Event Code* String 20 Indicates the Event Code
3 Event Description* String 50 Indicates the Event Description