1.9 VD Balance File Upload

This topics describes the information to perform the bulk upload for the VD balance in Oracle Banking Liquidity Management.

File Type Supported - CSV

File Naming Convention - LMAccountVdBalance_<UniqueName>.csv


Replace the <UniqueName> for each file upload.


The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.

Table 1-16 VD Balance File Upload - Records

Sequence Attribute Name Type Size Remarks
1 Action* String 10 Denotes file operation type. Allowed values are new/modify
2 Account Number* String 50 Specifies the account number
3 Branch Code* String 4 Specifies the Branch Code
4 Currency Code* String 3 Denotes the Currency Code of the Base Currency
5 Available Balance* String 25 Specifies the Available Balance
6 VD Balance* String 40 Specifies the VD Balance
7 IC Balance String 40 Specifies the IC Balance
8 Book Dated Balance String 25 Specifies the Book Dated Balance
9 Value Date* String 35 Specifies the Value Date (Date format should be yyyy-MM-dd, i.e. 2018-03-30)
10 Source String 50 Specifies the Source
11 Balance Type String 50 Specifies the Balance Type
12 Source Reference String 50 pecifies the Source Reference